Monthly Loan Payment Calculator
Enter required values and click on Calculate.
Type Purchase Price ($)(eg: Type 300000 for $300,000)
Enter % Down Payment (eg:Type 10 for 10% down)
Type Loan Interest Rate in % per year (eg:Type 8.675 for 8.675% annual rate)
Type Loan term in months (eg:360 for a 30 yr loan)
    Your Loan Amount $
Your Monthly Payment= $
NOTE: This calculation does not include payment for any home owner's insurance, taxes or Home Owner's Association dues. The monthly payment shown above includes principal and interest only.
How much Home can I afford?
Enter required values and click on Calculate.
Type Maximum Desired Monthly Payment ($)(eg: Type 4000 for $4,000)
Enter Property Tax Rate % (eg:Type 1.25 for 1.25% typical)
Enter Loan Interest Rate in % per year (eg:Type 5.675 for 5.675% annual rate)
Enter Annual Hazard Insurance Premium (eg:1500 for $1,500 per year)
Enter Monthly HOA dues (eg:150 for $150 per month)
Enter your Maximum Down Payment (eg:60000 for $60,000, 10% typical)
   Suggested Property Purchase Price: $
Suggested Property Purchase Price, with an interest only loan: $
NOTE: This is strictly an affordability estimate. Your ability to qualify for a loan depends on many other factors such as income, credit score etc. and subject to mortgage underwriter approval.